This Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' had received little pruning for many years before I first approached it in 2014. For this reason it had beautiful, elongated and twisty growth. However, the owner was interested in keeping it more contained and in scale with her house, and was enthusiastic about an aesthetic approach overall, both in the reduction from the outside, as well as some interior thinning to reveal some of its wonderful bark and structure.
Before Pruning, 2014

The feathery branch tips are important.
After Pruning, 2014
Before Pruning, 2014

Notice the heavy growth over and against the roof.
After Pruning, 2014.

The canopy is more open overall, and the highest point is more centered.
Before Pruning, 2014

The tree's movement shows that the prevailing winds come from the south (from the right). This windswept quality is important with this tree.
After Pruning, 2014.

I tried to preserve and emphasize the windswept quality, even while reducing the longest branches.