The first two images show the tree, firstly before I had ever touched it, and secondly after pruning in 2015. It is especially dramatic to see these stages side by side.

Following to the right are various stages in between.

The vigor of this small but potentially massive tree, and the presence of many adventitious buds, allows for especially severe reduction. For a while, this was in the form of the hedged cylinder you see in the first image. Since 2011, I have been pruning it to have a style more akin to its giant cousins in the hill forests, yet more compact and stout.
California Bay, before

April, 2011
California Bay, after

April, 2011
California Bay, before

May, 2012
California Bay, after

May, 2012
California Bay, before

June, 2015
California Bay, after

June, 2015